Trading GERMANY40 - Um dos instrumentos mais populares do mundo!

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Spread típico: 1.2 points (10:00 - 18:30 EET)

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O que é o GERMANY40?

O Índice Alemão

O GERMANY40 Alemão é um índice do mercado de ações de empresas, que representa as 40 maiores e mais líquidas empresas Alemãs da Bolsa de Valores de Frankfurt. O GERMANY40 mede o desempenho das 40 maiores empresas Alemãs em termos do volume de transações e de capitalização do mercado.

O índice GERMANY40 reflete o resumo da capitalização do mercado destas empresas - que inclui a BMW, Adidas, Siemens - e o volume de transações das suas ações.

Atualizações do GERMANY40

Descubra o preço em tempo real do GERMANY40 e o sentimento da opinião global sobre os movimentos futuros do índice

O desempenho passado não é um indicador confiável de resultados futuros.

Opinião Global do GERMANY40

Este é um sentimento agregado da comunicação social financeira global face ao GERMANY40 atualmente... Icon help Este widget usa tecnologias algorítmicas de aprendizagem semelhantes para verificar e analisar corretamente as notícias, oferecendo uma alternativa às ferramentas de dados mais tradicionais. O objetivo é fornecer aos traders um método adicional para pesquisar movimentos de mercado. Este widget inclui o sentimento do mercado com base numa mistura de notícias, análises e movimentos de preços. Ele fornece aos clientes um gráfico que mostra claramente a diferença entre o sentimento do mercado e os preços de negociação no mercado. Fonte: Acuity Trading

Especificações do Contrato




Minimum Margin, % Icon help Minimum Margin – the amount of funds required to open and maintain a 1-lot position with the lowest margin requirements.

0.2 (Retail - 5)

Commission, EUR per lot (single side) Icon help Commission – The service charge for executing a per-side transaction, i.e., opening or closing a position in an instrument. Depending on the instrument, the commission might be set in the per cent of trade value, or a flat rate per share.


Symbol Icon help Symbol – the instrument ticker in the trading platform.


Minimum Spread, EUR Icon help Minimum Spread – the lowest value of the floating spread, expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Typical Spread, EUR Icon help Typical Spread – the typical value of the floating spread in normal market conditions (for cash indices – the typical value of the spread during trading hours of underlying stock index), expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Limit / Stop Levels, EUR Icon help Limit / Stop Levels – minimum distance from the current price for placement of pending orders in normal market conditions.


SWAP Value (Long), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (Long) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Buy position over one trading day to the next.


SWAP Value (Short), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (short) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Sell position over one trading day to the next.


3-day SWAPs Icon help 3-day SWAPs – a day of the week when the SWAP is credited or debited in a triple amount.





Minimum Margin, % Icon help Minimum Margin – the amount of funds required to open and maintain a 1-lot position with the lowest margin requirements.

0.2 (Retail - 5)

Commission, EUR per lot (single side) Icon help Commission – The service charge for executing a per-side transaction, i.e., opening or closing a position in an instrument. Depending on the instrument, the commission might be set in the per cent of trade value, or a flat rate per share.


Symbol Icon help Symbol – the instrument ticker in the trading platform.


Minimum Spread, EUR Icon help Minimum Spread – the lowest value of the floating spread, expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Typical Spread, EUR Icon help Typical Spread – the typical value of the floating spread in normal market conditions (for cash indices – the typical value of the spread during trading hours of underlying stock index), expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Limit / Stop Levels, EUR Icon help Limit / Stop Levels – minimum distance from the current price for placement of pending orders in normal market conditions.


SWAP Value (Long), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (Long) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Buy position over one trading day to the next.


SWAP Value (Short), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (short) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Sell position over one trading day to the next.


3-day SWAPs Icon help 3-day SWAPs – a day of the week when the SWAP is credited or debited in a triple amount.





Minimum Margin, % Icon help Minimum Margin – the amount of funds required to open and maintain a 1-lot position with the lowest margin requirements.

0.2 (Retail - 5)

Commission, EUR Icon help Commission – The service charge for executing a per-side transaction, i.e., opening or closing a position in an instrument. Depending on the instrument, the commission might be set in the per cent of trade value, or a flat rate per share.


Symbol Icon help Symbol – the instrument ticker in the trading platform.


Minimum Spread, EUR Icon help Minimum Spread – the lowest value of the floating spread, expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Typical Spread, EUR Icon help Typical Spread – the typical value of the floating spread in normal market conditions (for cash indices – the typical value of the spread during trading hours of underlying stock index), expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Limit / Stop Levels, EUR Icon help Limit / Stop Levels – minimum distance from the current price for placement of pending orders in normal market conditions.


SWAP Value (Long), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (Long) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Buy position over one trading day to the next.


SWAP Value (Short), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (short) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Sell position over one trading day to the next.


3-day SWAPs Icon help 3-day SWAPs – a day of the week when the SWAP is credited or debited in a triple amount.





Minimum Margin, % Icon help Minimum Margin – the amount of funds required to open and maintain a 1-lot position with the lowest margin requirements.

0.2 (Retail - 5)

Commission, EUR Icon help Commission – The service charge for executing a per-side transaction, i.e., opening or closing a position in an instrument. Depending on the instrument, the commission might be set in the per cent of trade value, or a flat rate per share.


Symbol Icon help Symbol – the instrument ticker in the trading platform.


Minimum Spread, EUR Icon help Minimum Spread – the lowest value of the floating spread, expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Typical Spread, EUR Icon help Typical Spread – the typical value of the floating spread in normal market conditions (for cash indices – the typical value of the spread during trading hours of underlying stock index), expressed in pips. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices and cryptocurrencies 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.


Limit / Stop Levels, EUR Icon help Limit / Stop Levels – minimum distance from the current price for placement of pending orders in normal market conditions.


SWAP Value (Long), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (Long) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Buy position over one trading day to the next.


SWAP Value (Short), Interest Rate Icon help SWAP Value (short) – an amount to be credited or debited for rolling a Sell position over one trading day to the next.


3-day SWAPs Icon help 3-day SWAPs – a day of the week when the SWAP is credited or debited in a triple amount.


Por que operar o GERMANY40

O GERMANY40 é um dos índices de ações mais populares do mundo e é negociado por traders de todo o mundo. Aqui estão apenas alguns motivos:


O GERMANY40 é um instrumento consideravelmente volátil que está altamente correlacionado com os resultados dos principais acontecimentos na política e economia Europeia.

Sentimento Europeu

O GERMANY40 é muitas vezes rotulado como uma aproximação ao sentimento Europeu, já que é o principal índice da maior economia da UE. Negociá-lo permite-lhe entrar no mercado Alemão.

Escala global

A maioria das empresas no índice GERMANY40 têm negócios reconhecidos globalmente. Opera o GERMANY40 e acompanha as tendências dos mercados financeiros globais.


O índice GERMANY40 permite que diversifiques a tua exposição de mercado entre várias empresas e indústrias.

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